Hello MgmtNyc Modeling Agency

Hello MgmtNyc Complaints and Reviews

Good customer service

Love these guys! I came down to Florida with little to no experience in the industry and was very skeptical about which agencies were actually reputable. I foundThe Campbell Agency online and figured I'd give them a call. It ended up being an hour long talk with himself that also ended up included my parents. Within that short phone call I had more confidence in him and his agency than anyone else in Florida and one day later I was on my way to Lakeland to get my composite pictures taken. Its been about one month since then and so far I have auditioned for a hair modeling show, landed a principal role in a Publix training film, and had print work for four magazines. The best part about them is how dedicated they are to your success. After every audition or role I went to they made sure I called them after and told them how it went and then told me how proud they were of me. They are just good, genuine people. Wouldn't want to start this career anywhere else.

Country: Ethiopia

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