All Around Talent Modeling Agency

All Around Talent Complaints and Reviews


All Around Talent is a solid company that has been around over a decade AND GROWING with a lot of huge clients that are happy as well as dozens of smaller clients. The fact is that there are thousands of talented individuals across the country that learn All Around Talent is a solid company which is consistently demonstrated in many ways, but most importantly by all the paychecks received by talent in the mail.

Country: United States

Website: NULL

Good customer service

All Around Talent sent me on a hair modeling "audition" for a hair straightening product called Maxi Glide. The audition was in fact a shoot in which they were using models and not paying them. I was told that the audition would be taped and if footage was used, I would be compensated. Naturally I believed this would be a short, taped audition and if they liked some of the reaction footage, it would be used in the infomercial. When I got to the "audition" I waited for over an hour while the producer/director began shooting the infomercial. This was a shoot disguised as an audition to get around paying models for their time.

Country: United States

Website: NULL

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