VNY Model Management Modeling Agency

VNY Model Management Complaints and Reviews

Poor service

I went to VNY Model Management in hope of becoming a model or Actress. The told me they need $500 plus $40 upfront that I had no idea about. Related: VNY Model Management With out thinking I give the the my mom for my court. Once I noticed my mistake I went back to tell them that same night but they were closed. Came back the next more since they open at 9am. Remind you that I was there at 8:49 sharp. 9am came and nobody was there until 9:30. I've been calling billing and ever number I could find related to them to let them know of my mistake. No answer.... wait another hour & 30min for the lady I spoke too to arrive.Told her what happened and she told me to call billing cause they do called ""deposited the money every day"". Now I'm stuck trying to figure out what going to happen.

Country: Romania

Website: Null

Bad service

"I got a form letter excited they wanted to sign my child explaining how exclusive their agency was. When I explained I would be using a photographer other than their owner they quickly told me I was disqualified for not providing..."

Country: United States

Website: NULL

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